Friday, November 8, 2013

SLIPPERY SLOPE event and installation photos by Ruby Thorkelson

SLIPPERY SLOPE at Woman Made Gallery, July 2013. A group porn show curated by Robin Hustle with work by Virginia Aberle, Margaret Bobo-Dancy, Clothilde, Megan Diddie, Mikey Estes, Darcy Fangi, Sarah Faux, Ektor Maria Garcia, Vanessa Harris, Alyssa Herlocher, Young Joon Kwak, Daniel Luedtke, Noelle Mason, Ulrike Müller, Betsy Odom, Caroline Picard, Ruby Thorkelson, Xara Thustra, Lainey Waugh, Shoshanna Weinberger, Dustin Yager
Noelle Mason gives a talk about trauma in her work.

Anne Wells presents sexy title sequence typography from the Chicago Film Archives
Megan Milks (center) reads from her Traumarama Project.

Sarah Weis (right) performs Intimate Chats

An intimate engagement with Ruby Thorkelson's Spit Mixer (Robin Hustle, left; Ruby Thorkelson, right).

Left to right: neon sign by Robin Hustle, Fond (Fingerbang) by Noelle Mason, Anxious Accidents by Megan Diddie, and Ruby's Spit Mixer.

Daniel Luedtke's Cheap Douche (L) and Shoshanna Weinberger's Menage a Trois

Installed work by Alyssa Herlocher, Betsy Odom, Xara Thustra, Ektor Maria Garcia, and Sarah Faux

Left to right: Alyssa Herlocher's Scrotal Mountains, Margaret Bobo-Dancy's Conch Critter, Dustin Yager's FUCKFACE, and painting installation by Xara Thustra

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