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Noelle Mason gives a talk about trauma in her work. |
Anne Wells presents sexy title sequence typography from the Chicago Film Archives |
Megan Milks (center) reads from her Traumarama Project. |
Sarah Weis (right) performs Intimate Chats |
An intimate engagement with Ruby Thorkelson's Spit Mixer (Robin Hustle, left; Ruby Thorkelson, right). |
Left to right: neon sign by Robin Hustle, Fond (Fingerbang) by Noelle Mason, Anxious Accidents by Megan Diddie, and Ruby's Spit Mixer. |
Daniel Luedtke's Cheap Douche (L) and Shoshanna Weinberger's Menage a Trois |
Installed work by Alyssa Herlocher, Betsy Odom, Xara Thustra, Ektor Maria Garcia, and Sarah Faux |
Left to right: Alyssa Herlocher's Scrotal Mountains, Margaret Bobo-Dancy's Conch Critter, Dustin Yager's FUCKFACE, and painting installation by Xara Thustra |
Nicee post